10 Best Training Arcs In Boruto, Ranked

2022-07-03 15:56:32 By : Ms. XU CHRISTINA

Satisfying and exciting training arcs are a staple of shonen anime, and the Naruto sequel series Boruto is no exception.

Naruto is well-known for showing how hard various characters are willing to improve. They put their blood, sweat, and tears into becoming stronger and more skillful ninjas. Boruto's characters aren't as stressed as their predecessors due to the lesser threat of war. However, they all still put a lot of dedication into training, for the betterment of themselves and their teams.

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From learning the Rasengan to overcoming their weaknesses, Boruto and his friends go through some rigorous practice and exercise with their parents and teachers. Although Boruto's generation is still young and has much to learn, they're already skilled ninjas, and may even surpass Naruto's generation one day.

A common fan criticism was that Boruto was too much of a spoiled brat. Fans missed the humbling moments in Naruto where characters would undergo harsh training and obstacles.

Boruto learning the Rasengan reminded fans of the first series when Naruto was learning the same move. Like his father, Boruto had a lot of trouble performing the technique. Even though Boruto was smart, it took strenuous effort to even form a tiny orb. Disappointed, he resorted to cheating to perform the technique. Eventually, Boruto put more stock into his natural abilities and began doing the Rasengan normally.

Tsubaki's training in Konoha gave her some popularity in the fan base. She was used to working alone, so she had trouble adjusting to working with a team. Tsubaki also dismissed shinobi, because she was raised as a samurai. Tsubaki constantly hindered the team's progress, and indirectly caused some division between them.

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Tsubaki realized that the team needed to use teamwork and account for each other's weaknesses. In the end, not only do they work together, but they save the lives of another squad. Tsubaki and her teammates grow closer, and she finds a new home in Konoha.

Metal Lee's anxiety gave him an interesting flaw to overcome. His fear often made him lose fights, particularly when many people were watching him. He resorted to charms to take away his anxiety, but they had no effect. Metal's confidence shrunk, but his mentors taught him to use his anxiety to battle fiercely.

Many fans enjoyed seeing Metal's struggle with anxiety, feeling that his story was relatable. In addition, the episode gave the fan base a nice dose of nostalgia. Fans loved seeing Rock Lee and Might Guy return, acting just as youthful as ever. Metal imitating Rock's "Drunken Fist" was the cherry on top.

"Developing One's Medical Ninjutsu" is both a touching and hilarious episode for fans. Sarada trains in medical ninjutsu while hiding that she's no good at it, unlike her mom. She gets super nervous, leading to funny moments such as screaming at Brouto and burning a fish.

Sarada's training humbles her because she finally admits that she's not good at something. She also realizes that as Hokage, she still needs to rely on others, because she can't know or do everything. Furthermore, Sarada learns that Sakura worked very hard to become a medical ninja. Sarada's training makes her gain perspective on what a Hokage needs to do, as well as the importance of cooperation.

Denki was failing the Wall-Walk Technique, and Iwabe was failing his arithmetic papers. In addition, there was friction between them when Denki said that he didn't want to be left back like Iwabe. Both boys had a final exam, and if they couldn't pass their subjects, they were going to fail.

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Fortunately, both boys tutor each other, helping the other understand his failing subject. They even manage to apply what they learn to save kids in a burning building. They pass the exam and start a friendship, foreshadowing them becoming Team 5. The fans also get more of Rock Lee, which is always a good time.

Episode 38 of Boruto sets the stage for the new Team 7. Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki are assigned to a team. However, the former two don't want to team up, finding themselves incompatible. So the characters undergo a training exercise where they have to work together.

Despite initial quarreling, Boruto and Sarada learn how to work together. The two use their differences to complement each other's strengths, with Mitsuki supporting them throughout. The three complete their mission, even apprehending a Chunin. Sarada and Boruto decide to remain teammates but have their squad name changed to "Team 7," after their parents' old team.

This training storyline expands on Inojin, the son of Ino and Sai. He has self-doubts because his teammate has already become a Chunin. Inojin asks his mother if she can train him in the Mind Transfer Jutsu.

Inojin's will isn't strong enough to fully take over a human's body. His failure indirectly leads to his parents arguing, so Inojin has to use the Mind Transfer on his parents to calm them down. He successfully transfers his mind to Ino's, overpowering her will. Inojin's training shows that he is willing to push himself to new limits andthat he has the potential to surpass his parents.

"Run, Sarada!" is a comical episode that has Sarada learn the Water-Walk Technique. Shino teaches his class how to stand on water, which Sarada does better than everyone else. However, she falls when Shino changes the water flow. He states that one must apply chakra control skillfully to walk on water.

When Sarada has to deliver a package, it winds up floating down the river. She successfully applies chakra control to walk on the river but falls when she realizes Boruto is nearby. Fans are then treated to a funny scene of Sarada scaring away Boruto with her scary voice and glasses.

During Boruto's Time Slip Arc, fans got to see Naruto and Boruto work together. Young Naruto becomes corrupted by the Nine-Tails and hurts Boruto. Afterward, Naruto and Boruto train to perform a combined Rasengan. However, they have trouble synchronizing their chakra because Boruto is too scared of Naruto's Nine-Tails form. Naruto feels guilty about hurting Boruto and feels demotivated about not being able to resist the Nine-Tails.

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The Time Slip Arc has Boruto learn more about young Naruto, and both boys get over their respective anxieties to work together. Their training culminates in a stronger bond, with Boruto able to calm Naruto down from his Nine-Tails mode. The boys then successfully make a combined Rasengan and defeat the villain Urashikki. Fans were touched seeing young Naruto and Boruto becoming closer, and Boruto admiring his father even more.

After their defeat by Deepa, Boruto and Sarada train harder to avoid another major defeat. Boruto trains with Kakashi to perform a stronger Rasengan. Meanwhile, Sarada improves her chakra control and Sharingan use with her parents.

Sarada and Boruto push themselves harder, reflecting how hard their parents used to train. Sarada's relationship with her parents improves, and Kakashi views Boruto with more respect. Both Sarada and Boruto become better skilled, reaching their goals. Although they still have a long way to go, the audience can see how far they've come.

NEXT: 10 Ways Boruto Improved His Likability

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